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Still important flaw in A-Bike design

PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2012 6:01 pm
by Crislobin
Member and A-Bike user from 2009 on.

I use the A-Bike a couple of days per week. Here in Santiago de Chile, we
have few rain, and a moderate, biking friendly weather.

The important flaw is related to the rear composite material part, that
holds the chains and cogwheels.( I had to replace the first one, and I also did an improvement:
On picture attached for example, replace the screw in the plastik body (tends to fracture),
indicated with an arrow, with a round bar with threads on both ends,
passing from side to side, making pressure with washers and a bolt from
each side. Looks like mark A when done.)

I noticed that a 30º Celcius the aluminium tube that comes from top,
and fits "firmly" into the composite material part, starts to have
movement, in the friction zone between the composite material and
aluminium, when pedalling. This situation is bad, because it will
damage more soon than later this "per nature" week part of the A-Bike.

This is not happening at 20º Celcius.

My urgent recommendation, is to replace the rear composite material of
the chain and cogwheels holder, by a metal alloy, stronger than the actual compound,
and with better thermal behavior in relation to aluminium, than the
actual compound.

I think price increase is no issue, if the A-Bike is not reliable, and
the life expectancy is short as it is now !!