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Moderators: Binch Shin, newcross, Amuro Lee
rongood wrote:to JazJon, i am in Berkeley, and love my A-bike. Have not met anyone else in the Bay Area with an A-bike. I doubt there is anyone in SF with one, so you will be noticed!! I get lots of comments and laughs and "what the fuck?" when i ride, and enjoy it immensely. Last year i put out a call for any A-bikers to meet at Oakland Civic Center, but none showed up. I fear that's because there were none. Bike-to-work day is May 15, Thursday, and I will be on my A-bike riding from Berkeley to downtown Oakland, where there will be hundreds of bicycles. Perhaps someone there will have one.
Amuro Lee wrote:A-bike Plus is selling in the Netherlands.
http://www.abike-shop.nl/product_info.p ... ucts_id=44
The selling price is €274.00...
truenobzr wrote:Hi, William,
FYI, we just received the following reply from our UK office:
Our Engineers will be in the factory again next week when they should be able to agree for begin production.
This means that we should have samples for you and then production by the end of this month.
We are not sure if http://www.abike-shop.nl is one of our official distributors but A-Bike Plus is definitely not available for sale yet. We will keep you updated about the stock availability. Thank you.
Yours truly,
----- Original Message -----
From: William Wong
To: Lewis
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2008 11:37 AM
Subject: Re: A-bike Plus in Hong Kong???
I thought the production has been started already and it has been launched in other place:
http://www.abike-shop.nl/product_info.p ... ucts_id=44
William Wong
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