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Bike Seat and Post upgrade

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Bike Seat and Post upgrade

Postby greenbiker on Tue Mar 27, 2007 8:06 pm

Any body change the bike seat and post. I know I could use another 5 cm over the max height. I also was looking at split seats like the Easyseat. I think because of them being designed as two sections that cradle the pelvic bones, they could slip nicely over the A-Bike frame when collapsed.


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Postby newcross on Tue Mar 27, 2007 11:39 pm

I found something interesting on the net. It's from the same guy who mod. entire handle bar. (http://www.abikecentral.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=184)

The saddle and seatpost is some sort of anti-theft system, but it worked out just nicely with A-bike!!

According to the guy, the saddle and seatpost weight over 1kg though.

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(Special Thanks to Binch Shin)

http://chibichari.hp.infoseek.co.jp/cgi ... 214137.jpg
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Last edited by newcross on Wed Mar 28, 2007 4:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby newcross on Wed Mar 28, 2007 12:17 am

I use Thudbuster LT (25.4mm). It was a bit too fat for default seat tube of 25mm, so I needed to loosen seat clamp just a little. Otherwise it fits A-bike with no problem.

My current saddle is "Specialized Rival 2005 model". It seems saddle with flat contact point suits my shape. I absolutely love this saddle.
Weight about 320g. :P

"Velo Plush" was my first choice for replacement. There are many saddle under this name. Mine is a fatty one and with flat top in red/black A-bike colour. I liked it, quite comfy indeed. Rival took over its position because Plush was too heavy (over 500g). I would use this Plush for long relaxing ride.

Unfortunately, I couldn't take renown "San marco Rolls", which has a round top. :cry:


Specialized Rival (2005model)
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Re: Bike Seat and Post upgrade

Postby newcross on Wed Mar 28, 2007 12:34 am

greenbiker wrote: I also was looking at split seats like the Easyseat. I think because of them being designed as two sections that cradle the pelvic bones, they could slip nicely over the A-Bike frame when collapsed.

Is this the easy seat you are talking about?

I want to try one of these or any type of so-called noseless saddles with A-bike,
but these are quite rare in U.K. market! :?
If anyone have tried these with A-bike, please post a review here. I'd love to hear it. :D

<web site on saddle and comfort: Alternative saddle designs>
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Postby greenbiker on Wed Mar 28, 2007 2:49 am

Yes, Newcross, that's the seat. I was handling one today and the pads spread to allow for the proper placement. The downside is they are heavy!!

At the shop there were a number of traditional racing seats with the rear split. One weighed nothing but was over $120.
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Postby centerpunch on Wed Mar 28, 2007 2:04 pm

That 2-piece "Easy seat" is from Hobson, they have two better models that are due to ship in a few week, details here: http://www.hobsonseats.com/index.html

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Postby newcross on Thu Mar 29, 2007 12:26 pm

Easy seats look like a serious piece of engineering. :D

Here is a Japanese blog shows A-bike with JD-515 suspension seatpost and Duo Power saddle. (2007-03-29 entry)

The Duo Power saddle (Spain) has some cool designs. Weight around 300g depends on the model.
These saddles are designed by the Demeter Innovation company.
This seems to be an original supplier, but I'm not sure...

Tranz-X JD-515 (I think it's now updated to JD-555)
JD-555 has 25.0mm version
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Postby greenbiker on Thu Mar 29, 2007 1:06 pm


The first pictures you showed had lots of mods done. The steel trap collapsing pedals and the racing hand barends make this look like it could be driven hard all day. All these changes are great. Thanks for the pictures.

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Seatpost and Saddle upgrade

Postby PeKaPro on Mon May 21, 2007 1:51 pm


I use the Tranz-X JD-555 25,4mm (dia) 350mm (length) (http://www.bikeparts.com/search_results.asp?ID=BPC302736) suspension seatpost together with the SQ-lab 611 (http://www.dersattel.de/deutsch/fahrradsattel.htm) saddle.
With my 2 meters length this is a comfortable modification. Its all aluminium and titanium so the weight is only 750g.
Folding the bike is no problem, just rotate the saddle sideways. It even fits in the bag... See photographs for details:


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Postby newcross on Thu Jun 14, 2007 10:28 pm

Bontrager TT (Time Trial) seatpost is another one to look for A-bike.

http://dev.bontrager.com/Road/Component ... /22091.php

The design is cool and it has 360degree movable seatrail clamp, which has only one axis on the side --- this means, "the quickrelease bolt mod. to make it FOLDABLE" A-bike owner Jhon was doing (http://www.abikecentral.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=26) could be done here as well (but just with only one bolt instead of two!)

This seatpost is really rare in UK for some reason.
Currently eBay has one. I was waiting for this to come up, but too bad it's too short for me.... :cry:

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Bontrager-TT-seat ... dZViewItem

Talking about rare seatpost, Tranz-X seatpost PeKaPro uses (see above post) is also hard to come by in UK. It certainly looks good on A-bike. (Thanks for your photo, PeKaPro! :D )
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Postby newcross on Wed Jun 27, 2007 11:05 pm

I made an entry on saddle upgrade in detail. Please refer http://www.abikecentral.com/blog/?p=82

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Postby rongood on Thu Jun 28, 2007 7:35 am

I got the Cane Creek Thudbuster ST seat post, it is a little lighter than the LT and lighter than others i've looked at. I hope that whenever a new model is developed for the A-bike, something like the Thudbuster ST is incorporated to replace the awful seat post that comes with the A-bike now.
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Hobson seat woks fine!

Postby lordnelson on Wed Jul 18, 2007 3:59 am

The stock seat realy hurt, after a while. I upgraded to the Hobson seat (original). It really improved my comfort level, and allowed longer rides. I paired it with a spring-loaded telescopic seat post.
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Postby supertorpe on Mon Nov 05, 2007 10:15 am

In my town there are many streets with cobblestones (see image 1 and image 2) and sidewalks with relief (see image 3 and image 4). Such surfaces makes vibrate my A-Bike and vibrations are transmitted to the saddle.

I was thinking to buy a more comfortable seat, but since the seatpost of the A-Bike is not compatible with the new saddle, I have to buy a new seatpost.

Do you think it is sufficient, for this type of surface, with the new saddle? Or will it be necessary to buy a suspension seatpost? Which type you recommend, telescopic or parallelogram (thundbuster)?
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Postby newcross on Mon Nov 05, 2007 4:18 pm

Hi supertorpe, suspention seatpost isn't always essential.
Think this like 'Soft puffy saddle + Solid seatpost' is about same or sometimes more comfy than 'Harder saddle + Suspention seatpost' and it's up to your personal preference after all.

Either way, the modification would help your butt significantly when you ride on the cobbles. Although I cannot promise anything just by looking at the pics, it's difficult to tell.

I recommend you to get a pair of gloves with some sort of a shock absorber. A-bike's small wheels really pick up road surface well, so we get hell of vibration on cobbles --- gloves help us to hold onto handle bar more securely and reduce vibration.

(Clipless pedals are also recommended on these road. They prevent your feet to slip away from pedals by the vibration and provide more control. Well, maybe this is going a bit too far ...)
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